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Wednesday night's SHM program guide, 20 March Hi everyone, Hope all is well. These shows are educational and informative on the current events in Gaza, and Rafah, Palestine, and the world. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. Advocating and demanding justice is the most radical task of our time; it is the longest and easiest road to peace. Hours 1)  The RalphNader Radio Hour (RNRH). Ralph Nader is in conversation with TimJudson, the executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service,on the topic of “America, Stop trying to make Nuclear Power happen”, from 16March. Link: Or go to and Ralph Nader's personal website is Hours 2) The Chris Hedges report show; Chris Hedges is in conversation with Ali Abunimah, founder of Electronic Intifada, on the topic of “Israeli war propaganda machine: its media”, from 15 March. Link: Hour 3) Dave Emory, For The Record (FTR) 1318, on the topic of “How many lies before you belong to the lies?” part 27. Dave Emory produces a weekly FTR program, which has been broadcast for more than 40 years, examining the interconnecting historical processes, people, and institutions which shape the complex geopolitical landscape, and exploring the roots and movements of fascism at home and abroad. Dave Emory’s website is where you can find all his work. Link: That's our show. Good night. Buzz


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