Wednesday night's program guide for SHM, 31 Jan Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) The Ralph Nader Radio Hour (RNRH). Ralph Nader will be in conversation with Ido Setter of “Standing Together” and Stefanie Fox of “Jewish Voices for Peace”, on the topics of “Grassroots Groups for Gaza”, from 27 Jan. Link: Or visit and Ralph Nader's website is Hour 2) The Chris Hedges report show; Chris Hedges is in conversation with Craig Mokhiber on the topic of “ICJ Ruling, UNfailures, and US complicity”; from 27 Jan. Link: Hour 3) Dave Emory, For The Record (FTR) 1312, on the topic of Update on the Destabilization of China” part 1. Dave Emory produces aweekly FTR program, which has been broadcast for more than 30 years, examining the...