Tuesday night's program guide for Something's Happening at Midnight, 28 Nov
Hi everyone,
Hope you are well.
Good news: I am providing download links for each hour of the show so you can listen to it at your convenience.
I am dedicating time to explore the possibilities of peace in Palestine by bringing to you analyses of experts on Palestine-Israel, Middle East region, and the American Empire. We must demand immediate ceasefire now, release all political prisoners and hostages, or recognition and implementation of the 1967 UN 242 resolution; OR implement a One-state solution.
The bombing of Gaza, Palestine has turned the “openair prison” city into a stone age era according to reports; the truce has been extendedfor two more days as more prisoners and hostages are being exchanged. As of todaythe death toll has exceeded 15,000, includes more than 6,150 children, morethan 4,000 women; and more than 7,000 people, 4700 of them are children andwomen, still missing and believed to be under rubble or their fate is unknown. 160 bodies have been dogged out from rubblewithin the last 24 hours.
The sale of KPFK's building has not been finalized yet; however, the station will conduct two different days of parking lot sales of its "surplus" books, CDs, DVDs, and other fund drive premiums on 16th and 17th December. I will provide updates later with more information.
Here is the lineup of shows for tonight’s program, Tuesday, 28 Nov
Hour 1) Aconversationbetween Cornel West and Gabor Mate, on the topic of “Gaza and the Human Soul”. Dr. Gabor Mate, physician, human development expert, and anauthor; his most recent book is The Mythof Normal. Dr. West really needs no introduction but just in case we have new listeners, Dr. West is a philosopher, professor, a radical Christian Theologian, and an author. Dr. West’s achievements are too vast to mention all of them here: he ispeople’s philosopher and has participated in antiwar, peace, and social justicemovements in his entire life. This is from 24Nov.
Link: https://youtu.be/1OcjOP8iUCU
Download show: H1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v9aqafou07qr7ufzq84wl/1H-WM-SHM-23-1128.mp3?rlkey=5k0w236ejpxdyyfvhxa89zcbf&dl=0
Hour 2) A talk by Dr. Neal Barnardon the topic of “Power Foods for Body and Brain”. Dr. Barnard is the foundingpresident of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and anadjunct associate professor of Medicine at the George Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Download show: H2:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hmhjntrmbrao6jcvpahkh/2H-NB-SHM-23-1128.mp3?rlkey=dnxc4skbqdvoma4c4kp0l38ps&dl=0
Hour 3) TamiSimon, director of Sounds True, in conversation with Matt Licata, PhD, author,a practicing psychotherapist, on the topic of “The Alchemy of Befriendingourselves in difficult times”, from 17 Nov. part 2.
Link: https://content.blubrry.com/sounds_true/PD06344W_Matt-Licata.mp3
Or visit soundstrue.com
Download show: H3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t4pkws8wyvxvoh50tinok/3H-ST-SHM-23-1128.mp3?rlkey=mj6a1ynzd1gdqbeuu33myyoej&dl=0
UN Security Council Resolutions on resolution 242
Link: http://unscr.com/en/resolutions/242
That's our show for tonight.
Monday night's SHM program guide, 29 April Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Hours 1 and 2) An interview with professor Norman Finkelstein by the host of PoliticsJoe on the topic of “Israel Palestine” from 26 April. Link: https://youtu.be/gu4OMmoo5mw Hours 2 and 3) An interview of Ray McGovern by Robert Scheer on the topic of “Russia Will Win No Matter what” from 21 April. Link: https://youtu.be/AyRxSB6LtUQ Hour 3) An interview of Anya Parampil by Judge Napolitano on the topic of “The State Department and Free Speech” from 29 April. Link: https://youtu.be/HxHIXgGUvAw that's our show. Good night. Buzz
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