Thursday night's SHM program guide, 29 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Rafah, Palestine, and the world. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1 and 2) A conversation with Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, who worked with PLO, with the Magdisi brothers, who are nephews of late Edward Said and all of them are professors in their fields, on the topic of“Every Palestinian is traumatized”, from 21 Feb. This is a very important conversation covering a lot of history. Link: Hours 2 and 3) an interview with professor John Mearsheimer by Katie Halper and Aaron Mate on the topic of “No country on the planet should trust the Americans”, from 23 Feb. Link: Hour 3) An article by Chris Hedges on the topic ...