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Showing posts from February, 2024
Thursday night's SHM program guide, 29 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Rafah, Palestine, and the world. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1 and 2) A conversation with Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, who worked with PLO, with the Magdisi brothers, who are nephews of late Edward Said and all of them are professors in their fields, on the topic of“Every Palestinian is traumatized”, from 21 Feb. This is a very important conversation covering a lot of history. Link: Hours 2 and 3) an interview with professor John Mearsheimer by Katie Halper and Aaron Mate on the topic of “No country on the planet should trust the Americans”, from 23 Feb. Link: Hour 3) An article by Chris Hedges on the topic ...
Wednesday night's SHM program guide, 28 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1)  The Ralph Nader RadioHour (RNRH). Ralph Nader is in conversation with Professor Stephanie Luce of the City University of NY, on the topic of “Practical Radicals”, title of a book she has co-authored, and in the second half with Bruce Fein, from 24Feb. Link:  Or go to; Ralph Nader's personal website is Hour 2) The Chris Hedges report show; ChrisHedges is in conversation with Rabbi Shaul Magid on the topic of “Zionism and the subversion of Judaism”; from 23 Feb....
Tuesday night's SHM program guide, 27 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1) Professor Norman Finkelstein in conversation with students group in Germany on the topic of “The ongoing and escalatinggenocide in Gaza”, from 15 Feb. Link: Hour 2) Historian Ilan Pappe in conversation with Peter Oborne, Middle East Eye journalist, on the topic of “Exploring thepast, present, and future of Israel-Palestine”, from 23 Feb. Link: Hour 3) Scott Ritter in conversation with Judge Napolitano on the topic of “Ukraine military failure”, from 26 Feb. Link: That...
Monday night's SHM program guide, 26 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need tostay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1,2, and 3) Tonight’s program is dedicated to the final day of the ICJ historic hearings into Israeli 57 years of occupation of Palestinian territories and genocide in Palestine, from 26 Feb. In total, 50 countries and 3 international organizations have addressed the court in the last two weeks. Link to morning session: Link to afternoon session:
Thursday night's SHM program guide, 22 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need tostay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1,2, and 3) The entire tonight's program is dedicated to the ICJ fourth day of historic hearings into Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, from 22 Feb. The hearing will continue till 26 Feb, and then the judges are expected to take several months to deliberate before rendering an advisory opinion. Morning session link: Afternoon session link: That's our show. Buzz
Wednesday night's SHM program guide, 21 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and informative to keep us all updated on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1) Chris Hedges report show. Chris Hedges is in conversation with Gretchen Morgenson, Senior financial reporter for NBC news investigative unit, on the topic of “Journalism is Dying—will democracy go with it?”, from 16 Feb. Link: Hours 2 and 3) These hours are dedicated to the ICJ third day of historic hearings into Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, from 21 Feb. The hearing will continue till 26 Feb, and then the judges are expected to take several months to deliberate before rendering an advisory opinion. ...
Tuesday night's SHM program guide, 20 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1,2, and 3) The entire tonight's program is dedicated to the ICJ second day of historic hearings into Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, from 20 Feb. The hearing will continuetill 26 Feb, and then the judges are expected to take several months to deliberate before rendering an advisory opinion. Link morning session: Link afternoon session: That's our show.Buzz
Monday night's SHM program, 19 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hours 1, 2, and 3) The entire tonight's program is dedicated to the ICJ opening historic hearings into Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, from 19 Feb. The hearing will continue till 26 Feb, and then the judges are expected to take several months to deliberate before rendering an advisory opinion. Link: That's our show. Buzz
Thursday night's SHM program guide, 15 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need tostay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocatefor peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hour 1) an interview with Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, formermember of PLO executive committee, by Al Jazeera on the topic of “Israel’sprimary objective is to destroy all of Palestine”, from 13 Feb., and, right after that, a brief analysis by Marwan Bashira, Al Jazeera’spolitical analyst, on the topic of “Biden’s plan for the ‘day after’ amounts to half a Palestinian state on half of west bank”, from 14 Feb. Link to Dr. Ashrawi: Link to Bishara: An impassioned speech by Dr. Jilan Wahba Adbulmagid, Palestinian Ambassador ...
Wednesday night's SHM program guide, 14 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. A couple notes: Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need to stay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hour 1) The Ralph Nader RadioHour (RNRH). Ralph Nader will be in conversation with Janine Jackson with FAIR and produces “CounterSpin”, and Dr. Traiq Haddad with the “Virginia Coalition for Human rights”, on the topic of “Slanted Opinions on Gaza”, from 10 Feb. Link: Orgo to, and Ralph Nader's personal website is Hour 2)The Chris Hedges report show; Chris Hedges is in conversation with Dr. Ahmed Al Hussaina, VP of Al Israa University,on the topic “Israe...
Tuesday night's SHM program guide, 13 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, and now Rafah, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need tostay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hour 1) an interview with Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, former member of PLO executive committee, by Al Jazeera, on the topic of “Israel’s primary objective is to destroy all of Palestine”, from 13 Feb. right after that, an interview with Yanis Varoufakis, economist, by Al Jazeera, on the topic of “We Europeans created the problem: holding Europe accountable for Israel-Gaza conflict”, from 12 Feb. Link Dr. Ashrawi: Link to Varoufakis: a talk by Miko Peled, son Israeli general Peled who participated and signed the Israeli...
Monday night's SHM program guide, 12 Jan Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. You might want to take notes. These are trying times and we need tostay focused on the issues the world is grappling with. We need and must advocate for peace, the hardest, toughest issue in our life time. Hour 1) First, we will hear an interview with Yanis Varoufakis, economist, by Al Jazeera on the topic of “We Europeans created the problem”, holding Europe accountable for Israel-Gaza conflict, from 12 Feb. Link: Ali Abunimah with Electronic Intifada on the topic of “McDonald’s, Starbucks admit boycott over Gaza hit their profit”, from 9 Feb. Link: Hour 2) An interview with Professor Norman Finkelstein on Current events in Gaza and Rafah, Palestine by the host of India and Global Left. This is very informative. ( This starts...
Thursday night's SHM program guide, 8 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) Two updates to Hamas ceasefire proposal. First, we will hear from Ali Abunimah with Electronic Intifada from 7 Feb, and then “Netanyahu Rejects Ceasefire” by Krystal Ball with Breaking points from 8 Feb. Can a Gaza ceasefire be reached? With Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman and others from 7 Feb Link: Netanyahu rejects Hamas ceasefire proposal with Krystal Ball 8 Feb Link: David Hearst, chief editor of Middle East Eye on the topic of “The West’s role in Israel’s bid to dismantle UNRWA” from 6 Feb. Link: Hour 2) An interview with Dr. Laila Baker on the topic of “How are women giving birth in Gaza?” by Nora Barrows-Friedman with Electronic Intifada, from 6 Feb. Link:
Wednesday night's SHM program guide, 7 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) The Ralph Nader Radio Hour (RNRH). Ralph Nader will be in conversation with Eva Borgwardt with “IfNotNow” and Dr. Ralph Estes with “The Center for Advancement of Public Policy” on the topic of “Mad as Hell”, from 7 Feb. Link: Hour 2) The Chris Hedges report show; Chris Hedges is in conversation with Noura Erakat on the topic of “Colonial Law and the erasure of Palestine”, from 2 Feb. Link: Hour 3) Dave Emory, For The Record (FTR) 1313, on the topic of "Update on the Destabilization of China” part 2. Dave Emory produces a weekly FTR program, which has been broadcast for more than 30 years, examining the interconnecting historical processes, people, and institutions which shape the complex geopo...
Tueday night's SHM program guide, 6 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) Two interviews with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian National Initiative, on the topic of “Israel’s real goals” from 2 with MEE and 5 Feb with French 24 english. Link to Middle East Eye: Link French 24: Extra: Krystal Ball: IDF Confesses to war crimes SNUFF channel Psyop Link: Hour 2) Two segments with Judge Napolitano in conversation with Ray McGovern from 5 Feb and Matthew Hoh from 6 Feb on Ukraine and the Middle East. Link to Ray McGovern: Link to Matthew Hoh: Hour 3) Two segments on the alleged and now debunked rapes by Hamas militants and the CNN collaboration with Israeli military in its coverage of the attack on Gaza. ...
Monday night's SHM program guide, 5 Feb Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) two segments on the alleged and now debunked rapes by Hamas militants and the CNN collaboration with Israeli military in its coverage of the attack on Gaza. EI: Fallout from fraudulent NYT article alleging mass rapes by Hamas, with Ali Abunimah 3 Feb played Link: Max Blumenthal with The Rise of the Hill on the topic of “NYT Sinks Hamas Rape ‘Daily’ Episode over internal roil on reporting 3 Feb played Link: Katie Halper: Journalist exposes How Israel controls CNN’s Gaza coverage, 4 Feb played Link: Hour 2) Two segments covering the war on Unrwa—UN relief and Works Agency for Palestine—to liquidate the right of return, from 2 and 4 Feb. EI: The War on Unrwa is about liquidating the rig...
Thursday night's SHM program guide, 1 Feb. Hi everyone, Hope all is well. Tonight's shows are educational and to keep us all informed on the current events in Gaza, Palestine, and the world. Hour 1) An interview with Tayab Ali, an international law lawyer based in England, on the topic of “Gaza: is the ICJ ruling enough?”, from 31 Jan, in conversation with the host of The Thinking Muslim. Link: Hour 2) An interview with Ussama Makdisi, professor of History and Chancellor's Chair at UC Berkeley, on the topic of “Gaza in Context--Colonial Zionism and the Shattering of an Age of Coexistence”, from 29 Jan. Link: Hour 3) Max Blumenthal, host of Grayzone, interviewing Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, senior political officer and spokesperson for the Ansar Allah Movement in Yemen, on the topic of “Our goal is to stop the genocide”, from 22 Jan. Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti explains the objectives behind his movement’s naval blockade...